Fitz Scientific are pleased to report that we have been awarded an extension to our ISO17025 scope of accreditation by INAB for a range of tests on soil and solid matrices. These tests include:
pH, Dry Matter, Moisture Content and Loss on Ignition on the following sample types:
Construction & Demolition Waste
Recycled Aggregates
Biodegradable Waste
pH and Total Dissolved Solids:
Leachate preparations
Our solids testing team have been working hard on developing and validating these methods to meet the requirements of Waste Acceptance Criteria, Waste Characterisation, Recycled Aggregates and other waste and recycling regulations.
This latest update adds to our existing scope of accredited testing which includes speciation of TPH Aliphatic and Aromatic fractions on Soil and C&D waste and metals in Soil . Fitz Scientific is also certified to produce .HWOL data files and acronyms that allow the rapid upload of results to HazWasteOnline.
For further details on this testing and our comprehensive suite of soil & solid testing services please contact our accounts management team at sales@fitzsci.ie or call 041 9845440.