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RSA Compliance Extension to Scope

Fitz Scientific
two members of the customer services team

Fitz Scientific's food microbiology laboratory has recently received an extension to its RSA Scope of Compliance, now covering Coagulase positive staphylococcus aureus analysis in raw meat and swab samples. Fitz Scientifics food micro laboratory participates in the Retailer Supplementary Audit (RSA) assessment, a requirement for suppliers to major retailers like Tesco and Marks & Spencer. This validation showcases our dedication to delivering a world class testing service that meets and exceeds our customer expectations.

This test is important for food businesses as Coagulase pos. S. aureus is a prevalent cause of food poisoning. Instances of staphylococcal food poisoning, as highlighted by FSAI, have been associated with various foods like cheese, salami, bakery products, pasta, canned meat, fish, and vegetables (Microbial Factsheet Series Issue No. 1 | Sept 2011).

At Fitz Scientific, our INAB Accredited testing scope is extensive, and we go further by offering:

  • Sample planning systems

  • Collection of samples

  • Digital COC’s for accuracy and time saving

  • Reporting of results through a dedicated Web Portal

  • Early warning exceedance notifications

For more on our food testing services, contact our account management team today at 041 98 45440 or email Get a competitive quote tailored to meet your requirements.



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