Private Domestic Drinking Water
The Environmental Protection Agency estimates 3 out of every 10 private wells in Ireland may be contaminated. Regular testing of your drinking water is recommended to ensure it is safe to drink. Fitz Scientific offers a full drinking water testing service for private wells, group water schemes and mains water supplies. All analysis is INAB accredited to ISO17025 standards, giving you confidence that your results are accurate and will be accepted by County Councils for the purpose of Well Grant applications.
Option 1 - Order a drinking water test kit online
A Drinking Water Test Kit can be ordered online and posted out to you within 2 working days. This kit contains bottles, gloves and instructions on how to take your drinking water sample properly. This can be ordered and paid for online - click here.
Option 2 - Technician water sampling service
If you require an independent test, you can schedule a Technician from Fitz Scientific to call to your home and take the drinking water sample for you. The cost of this depends on your location so if you wish to contact us with your name, location and phone number, we will reply to your query promptly. This option is required where you intend on applying for a Well Grant.
Well Grants
For all local authorities a trained technician from an accredited laboratory is required to take the sample - not the applicant - so please check in advance with your own local authority that you are following the correct procedure to qualify. To book your drinking water sampling by one of our trained technicians please order online.
Commercial Water Testing
Fitz Scientific are experts in analysis of potable water to meet Irish and European drinking water regulations including the current Recast Drinking Water Regulations. From our world class laboratory in Drogheda we provide all testing of raw and final water for both Check and Audit Suites of tests
We have an extensive team of trained Field Services technicians who are experts in water sampling and transport to ensure the integrity of the sample when it arrives to the laboratory. Our drinking water sampling techniques are accredited to ISO17025. This accredited sampling fully complies with the following standards:
ISO 5667-5: 2006 Water Quality - Sampling
EN 19458:2016 Water quality - Sampling for microbiological analysis
We partner with experts in the water industry on major infrastructure projects including performance validation, process optimisation and ongoing operation of water treatment plants. Our project teams are available at all times to assist with the smooth planning and operation of your sampling programmes.
To discuss your next project contact our account management team on 041 98 45440 or email sales@fitzsci.ie.
EU Directive 2020/2184 on the quality of water intended for human consumption
S.I. No. 99/2023 - European Union (Drinking Water) Regulations 2023
Accredited sampling to ISO5667-5:2006 and EN19458:2016
Local Autority Well Grant Guidelines
General Information
Regulations & Standards
Key Features
Laboratory Testing
INAB Accredited
Fast Turnaround Available
Next Day Sample Bottle Delivery
Irish Water Approved
5 times more accurate than home test kits
Common Tests
pH, Conductivity, Taste & Odour
E. Coli, Coliforms, Enterococci
Clostridia, Total Colony Count
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite
Alkalinity, Hardness, Colour, Turbidity
TOC, Chloride, Fluoride, Sulphate
Iron, Manganese, Aluminium, all metals
PFAS, PFOS, Pesticides & PAHs
Chlorate & Chlorite
Nonylphenol & Bisphenol A
Fitz Scientific are experts in analysis of potable water to meet Irish and European drinking water regulations. From our world class laboratory in Drogheda we provide testing to water utilities, engineers, developers and domestic users in Ireland and Internationally.

Water Monitoring & Testing
Commercial and Domestic
Drinking Water
For further information contact a member of our team today 041 98 45440 ext-1 Contact info@fitzsci.ie