Trade effluent includes a variety of substances such as fats, oils, grease, ammonia, nitrates, phosphates, detergents, heavy metals, and food waste. Fitz Scientific conducts sampling and analysis to monitor these discharges, helping businesses stay within regulatory limits and avoid potential non-compliance or environmental Our field technicians are experts in the taking of samples from trade effluent discharge points. We can conduct 24 hour composite sampling or a flow and load survey customised to your own requirements. Samples are taken as specified by the licence conditions and tested in our in house laboratory. Results are issued on an official certificate of analysis with any exceedances of permitted values highlighted.
Fitz Scientific’s services meet the monitoring requirements of a Trade Effluent Discharge to Sewer Licence. As an approved laboratory, Fitz Scientific ensures that all analyses are carried out according to the highest standards. The laboratory is accredited by the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) to ISO 17025:2017 standards which guarantees that the testing methods and results are reliable. This accreditation is crucial for businesses that need to demonstrate compliance with environmental standards.
Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977 & 1990
European Union (Industrial Emissions) Regulations 2013
EU Directive 2010/75/EU
General Information
Regulations & Standards
Key Features
Sampling & Analysis Service
Composite Sampler Hire
Fast Turnaround
Early Warning Exceedance Alerts
INAB Accredited Analysis
Irish Water Approved Laboratory
Customizable Flow & Load Surveys
Common Tests
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrogen
Chloride, Phosphate, Sulphate
Heavy Metals
Detergents and Oils, Fats & Grease
Fitz Scientific offers an expert monitoring service tailored for businesses that discharge trade effluent into public sewer systems. This service is designed to assist businesses in complying with the stringent requirements set by Uisce Éireann or the EPA damages.

Water Monitoring & Testing
Trade Effluent
For further information contact a member of our team today 041 98 45440 ext-1 Contact info@fitzsci.ie